VUE Application with another pivot table extension, how to make JSON Format to export
Hello i have a VUE Application and i have got a request to make a export do PDF feature on my pivot table.
I’m currently using vue-pivottable extension to generate my pivot table. So i was searching on the internet and found the WebDataRocks it looks like that i can export my pivot table using JSON to a PDF. I will attach the style of my pivot table on a image.
So my question is how can i make a JSON from what i have on my pivot table to have a PDF generated using WebDataRocks.
Thanks a lot!
3 answers
Hello, David,
Thank you for writing to us.
Please kindly note that WebDataRocks is a pivot table designed to visualize the data in an aggregated manner. Export to PDF is provided as one of the features for our pivot table.
You are welcome to test our demo to see how the data from the grid is exported to the PDF file.
We hope it helps.
Kind regards,
WebDataRock team
Hello thanks a lot for the answer, but what i wanted to do was to use the data that i already have on my pivot table from my other plugin, but use it as a JSON Data to mount a new pivot table using web data rocks and exporting it to PDF (i have all the necessary data i think, columns, rows, the data itself, the only thing that i need is a export function to PDF of my pivot table).
Hello, David,
We recommend using WebDataRocks to visualize your data, thus it could be easily exported to PDF. If it is not possible, please look for potential solutions in the documentation of the other plugin, that you mentioned.
We hope it helps.
Best regards,
WebDataRocks Team