refreshing wbr-pivot in angularjs environment. Does not work
My application is using angularjs with webDatarocks. I’ve followed your tutorial. My approach has been this way.
<div >
<div wbr-pivot wbr-toolbar="true" wbr-report="wbr_templateId" ></div>
The wbr_templateId is a variable ($scope.wbr_templateId) that I update in my angular controler.
My problem is that when I update $scope.wbr_templateId in my controler the wbr-report is not updated.
I’ve tried to enforce a $scope.$apply() but angularjs complains telling that $apply is already running
So I don’t know how to force a refresh of wbr-report
Thanks a lot for your help and support
1 answer
Thank you for posting your question.
From the provided information it is still somewhat unclear to us what exactly might be the issue here. Do you think you could provide us with a corresponding code sample so that we can investigate this further?
Please let us know what you think.
WebDataRocks Team