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Consistent error in webdatarocks


Hi Team,
We are using webdatarocks and have integrated it with highcharts. We are consitently getting an error  ‘Cannot read property ‘members’ of undefined at o.composeData’. This error seems to be not breaking our code but is getting logs consistently in our logs. 
Can you please help us with details and also how can we fix this.

3 answers

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks July 14, 2020

Hi Arpit,
Thank you for posting your question.
We didn’t manage to reproduce the described behavior so far. Do you think you could give us more details on this, such as the sample report with which the issue is reproducible, for example? 
Thank you in advance. 
Best regards,
WebDataRocks team

Arpit July 20, 2020

This behavior i feel it comes whenever we try to convert compact/classic form to flat form. We have integrated the library with highcharts initially. Now we are using chart.js

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks September 18, 2020

Hi Arpit,
Thank you for explaining the issue further.
We have managed to reproduce the described behavior and our team will consider it when releasing the next version of the component.
Please let us know if you have any other questions we can assist you with.
Best regards,
WebDataRocks team

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