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How to get rid of error (warning): Uncaught ReferenceError: TextAlignMap is not defined at webdatarocks.js:15?


How to get rid of error (warning): Uncaught ReferenceError: TextAlignMap is not defined at webdatarocks.js:15?

3 answers

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks November 30, 2018

Hello Sergiu!
Thank you for writing to us.
Could you provide us with your code, please? It will be easier for us to troubleshoot the problem and help you.
Best regards,
WebDataRocks Team

Sergiu November 30, 2018

It seems that the following ordering of scripts in angular.json is the cause of error:

  “scripts”: [

There is a demo at
For some reasons (check the console) it does not work. Anyway, the “layout” is available…

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks December 5, 2018

Hello, Sergiu!
Thank you for writing to us.
In the console there is the following error: ERROR TypeError: window.WebDataRocks is not a function. It indicates that webdatarocks.toolbar.min.js, webdatarocks.js and webdatarocks.min.css were not loaded successfully. To fix the error, make sure these files are loaded correctly.
Hope it helps.
WebDataRocks Team

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