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how to add pre define filters in Configuring fields


Hi, I am just wondering how to define filters in slice(rows, columns,measures etc.) configuring fields. 

3 answers

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks September 7, 2018

The recommended approach here is to set the slice and filters with the UI tools. After that when everything is set and done you can press the save button and the current state will be saved to the .JSON file. Such an approach allows restoring the state and also reusing the templates. Therefore even when you don’t know the correct template you can always get the right one from the tool.
WebDataRocks team

Hi, Thanks for quick response.
I like your recommendation but I do not want to save data state because data changes every few minutes. Could you please let me know how I can restore template which was saved in database as JSON file?

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks September 17, 2018

Thank you for your feedback. The mentioned above approach allows getting all the necessary templates in JSON format and then applying them when creating WebDataRocks instance. Here is the example of creating WebDataRocks instance:
Here is the example of creating WebDataRocks instance: You can replace
You can replace the "report" part with information saved to file. After that, the component will be created with the new configuration.
WebDataRocks team

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