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Hide unused grid


Fantastic product and so easy to use – thanks!
Is it possible to hide the grid for unused columns and rows? 

1 answer

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks January 31, 2020

Hello, Gary,
Thank you for contacting us.
Our team recommends using an approach based on resizing the wrapper of the pivot container when the report is loaded or changed.
The container size can not be changed after it is created on the page, however, in case its width and height properties are set to 100%, it is possible to resize its wrapper changing the size of the container itself.
Please see an example demonstrating such an approach.
As you can see in the example, the pivot container is wrapped by another element:

<div id="wrap">
	<div id="wdr-component">

It is resized when reportcomplete and reportchanged events are triggered:

webdatarocks.on('reportchange', 'redraw');
webdatarocks.on('reportcomplete', 'redraw');

The function dedicated to handling the calculation of the required size and changing the wrapper can be found within a provided example. It is named redraw and starts at line 25.
Please let us know if it works for you.
Best regards,
WebDataRocks Team

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