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How i can change the result of cell modal when i double click?

I need make another “POST” to keep the value and show when the modal show for me =)

5 answers

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks February 4, 2019

Hello Rodrigo,
Thank you for writing to us. WebDataRocks does not allow to inject some other data into the drill-through view. The drill-through modal is based on the raw data records.
The possible workaround here is to disable the default drill through behaviour and generate the result on your own. You can display the modal view of your own creating a new instance of WebDataRocks based on the result data in flat view mode.
WebDataRocks Team

Rodrigo Antunes February 4, 2019

Thanks for the answer. How could I disable it to create its own modal with the information I need? Thank you

Rodrigo Antunes February 4, 2019

Because i need the information when i double click in cells to make my modal page

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks February 14, 2019

Hello, Rodrigo,
Please try drillThrough option which disables the default pop-up. Here is an example:
To find more options, please refer to docs:
WebDataRocks Team

Alejandro March 20, 2019

Rodrigo you solve the problem of create a custom modal with the info??
thank you

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