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Aggregation functions
Aggregation functions group together values from multiple fields to form a single compound value. To choose an aggregation function for a value, use the Field List.
WebDataRocks Pivot Table offers 17 aggregation functions which you can apply to the measures in your report:
Name | Value | Description |
Sum | "sum" |
Adds all values in the row/column |
Count | "count" |
Counts the number of the rows/columns that contain values |
Distinct Count | "distinctcount" |
Counts the number of the rows/columns that contain unique values |
Average | "average" |
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the values in the row/column |
Median | "median" |
Returns the median of the values in the row/column |
Product | "product" |
Multiplies the values in the row/column |
Min | "min" |
Returns the smallest number in the row/column |
Max | "max" |
Returns the largest value in the row/column |
% of Grand Total | "percent" |
Calculates the values distribution across grand totals in the report |
% of Column | "percentofcolumn" |
Calculates the percent distribution across the columns |
% of Row | "percentofrow" |
Calculates the percent distribution across the rows |
Index | "index" |
Calculates the aggregated weighted average to reveal the impact of each value within the context of a dataset |
Difference | "difference" |
Calculates the difference between two values in the row/column |
% Difference | "%difference" |
Calculates the difference between two values in the row/column expressed in percentages |
Population Standard Deviation | "stdevp" |
Calculates population standard deviation of the values in the row/column |
Sample Standard Deviation | "stdevs" |
Calculates sample standard deviation of the values in the row/column |
Running Totals | "runningtotals" |
Calculates running totals (cumulative sum) |