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Fixed Columns


Hi team,
I am wondering if there is a way to fixed the first n columns (in my case the first two) when scroll to the left?
By default only the first column is fixed.

3 answers

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks August 28, 2020

Hello, Peter!
Thank you for contacting us.
Our team would like to explain that frozen columns represent the field’s members. Scrollable columns of the page hold measures themselves.
In case your requirement is to represent members of each added field as a new column, we suggest using the classic form of the pivot. Please refer to the following sample where different forms of the pivot can be compared.
We hope it works for you.
Please contact us in case any other questions arise.

Kind regards,
WebDataRocks Team

Peter September 2, 2020

Thanks, though it is not exactly what I want.
For example, I have my first column after the field column as the counts column and would like to fixed the counts column when I scroll to the right.
Don’t think it can be archived by classic table?

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks September 18, 2020

Thank you for providing us with details.
Our team wants to explain that it is not possible to fix a specific column from the scrollable area.
Also, we want to confirm that the desired behavior can not be imitated using the classic form.
Please contact us in case other questions arise.
WebDataRocks Team

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