React WebDataRocks – Google Charts – Need Souce Code
I have tried to integrate WebDataRocks with Google Charts, and so far I have not succeeded
However I already integrated WebDataRocks with Highcharts.
When I try to load the library
google.charts.load (‘current’, {packages: [‘corechart’]});
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback (onGoogleChartsLoaded);
the screen goes blank
Initially I had to include in the line / * global google * /, at the top of the file, since when compiling it marked the error ‘google’ is not defined no-undef
I would like to see if you can give me the complete code of the class where you integrate WebDataRocks with Google Charts
1 answer
Hello Rodolfo,
Sorry for the delayed reply.
Actually, Google Charts are more complex when loading dependencies, so it may be the cause of the issue with React.
Unfortunately, we do not have an example with Google Charts and React.
Also, here is the source code of the integration:
Hope it helps.
WebDataRocks Team