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Compatibility Issue with JQuery 3.4.x


I am having troubles when filtering on columns axis.
There is a JS error on the background.
After digging have found out it is because of running it embedded on an app with jquery 3.4.1.
Everything runs OK when using Jquery 3.1.1.
Any ideas?

PS This is the error I get:

webdatarocks.js:formatted:32233 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
at w9o._filter (webdatarocks.js:formatted:32233)
at w9o.filter (webdatarocks.js:formatted:32201)
at (webdatarocks.js:formatted:33940)
at R2L.filter (webdatarocks.js:formatted:33869)
at d77.setFilter (webdatarocks.js:formatted:6036)
at h7o.applyMembersFilter (webdatarocks.js:formatted:30535)
at h7o.applyChanges (webdatarocks.js:formatted:30502)
at I7o.onOkClick (webdatarocks.js:formatted:30605)
at T5.<anonymous> (webdatarocks.js:formatted:30644)
at T5.N.dispatch (webdatarocks.js:formatted:546)
w9o._filter @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:32233
w9o.filter @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:32201 @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:33940
R2L.filter @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:33869
d77.setFilter @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:6036
h7o.applyMembersFilter @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:30535
h7o.applyChanges @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:30502
I7o.onOkClick @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:30605
(anonymous) @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:30644
N.dispatch @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:546
T5.dispatch @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:1463
N.dispatchWith @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:576
a7.dispatchWith @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:945
x1.onClick @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:1554
(anonymous) @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:1539
F9a.k6B.element.<computed>.events._Event.isNativeType.__handlers.<computed>.<computed> @ webdatarocks.js:formatted:1452

3 answers

Gabriel October 28, 2019

So, finally, there was library in the app that added a function the array prototype. WDR in the rrayUtils loops over the properties of the array, cacthes the added function (unexpected) and hence produces an error.
If possible would be great to review how that loops work.

Gabriel October 28, 2019
WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks October 30, 2019

Hello, Gabriel,
Thank you for reporting about that issue.
JQuery version 3.2.1 has provided an expansion of Array class which causes the described problem.
We have added this bug to our backlog and will consider that issue when planning our future updates.
For now, we can recommend reverting to the previous stable version of JQuery.
We hope it helps.
WebDataRocks Team

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